In this work we introduce the novel problem of synthesizing heat-induc
ed separation networks (HISENs). The essence of HISEN synthesis is to
reduce the concentration of a certain component in a number of rich (t
ypically waste) streams from a set of supply compositions to a set of
target compositions by using a number of heat-induced separators. A he
at-induced separator is any indirect contact unit which employs an ene
rgy-separating agent (ESA) to affect separation via phase change. Exam
ples of these systems include condensation, crystallization, vaporizat
ion and drying. By combining phase-equilibrium data with enthalpy bala
nces, we develop pinch diagrams that can be used to determine the mini
mum operating cost of the system. There are two distinctive characteri
stics associated with the pinch diagrams for the HISENs. First, the lo
cation of the pinch point is not restricted to the supply temperatures
of streams. Second, heat-induced separators may straddle the pinch po
int even for networks featuring the minimum cost of energy-separating
agents. A systematic procedure is presented to address these character
istics and to synthesize a cost effective network of heat-induced sepa
rators. The problem is formulated as an optimization program. A soluti
on procedure that is guaranteed to identify the global solution is dev
ised to solve the problem. In addition, a slightly revised formulation
is developed to incorporate the effect of stream bypass/mixing. Sever
al case studies are tackled using the proposed procedures.