Td. Eells et al., SYMPTOM CORRELATES AND FACTOR STRUCTURE OF THE HEALTH-PROFESSIONS STRESS INVENTORY, Psychological reports, 75(3), 1994, pp. 1563-1568
Generalizability, psychological symptom correlates, and the factor str
ucture of the Health Professions Stress Inventory were assessed with a
sample of 92 geriatric nurses. The inventory was designed to measure
the sources and frequency of stress among nurses, physicians, and phar
macists; little is known, however, of the extent to which scores corre
late with psychological symptoms or of the underlying dimensions of st
ress measured. Analyses showed high correspondence between responses o
f the geriatric nurses and the normative nurses as measured by mean va
lues and Cronbach alpha. Factor analysis of the intercorrelations amon
g items yielded 4 factors contributing to work-related stress, i.e., L
ack of Perceived Enrichment Potential, Patient Care, Interpersonal Con
flict, and Family Responsibility Conflict. Scores on the inventory cor
related significantly with those of all SCL-90-R scales.