Nasal cancer has a number of causative agents; exposures to most of th
e established nasal carcinogens occur in the workplace. An increased r
isk of nasal cancer has been ascertained in shoe-making and shoe-repai
ring, but the results for leather goods manufacture and leather tannin
g don't provide adequate evidence of carcinogenicity. Findings from tw
o epidemiological studies carried out in Italy (a case/control study a
nd a case/series report) add further information on this issue. The ca
se/control study was performed in the provinces of Siena (Tuscany), Ve
rona and Vicenza (Venetia) including 96 cases and 378 controls. A sign
ificant increased risk (Odds Ratio: 6.8; 90% C.I. 1.9-25) of sinonasal
cancer was found for the employ in the whole leather industry; Odds R
atio of 8.3 (C.I. = 1.9-36) and 5.0 (C.I. = 0.92-28) were associated w
ith shoe-making and leather tanning. The case/series report is based o
n 110 patients accepted in some Italian hospitals during last three ye
ars (1990-1993): 26 cases had worked in the leather industry; adenocar
cinoma is the most frequent type observed. Chromium salts and natural
tannins are indicated as possible aetiological agents.