In the three Italian centres involved in the European Community Respir
atory Health Survey (ECRHS), prevalence of asthma-like symptoms was as
sessed through a mailback questionnaire, Since the nonresponse rate wa
s not negligible, ranging 10-18%, we investigated whether nonresponse
bias affected the results and, if so, whether the bias could be elimin
ated from the final estimates of prevalence. A screening questionnaire
was sent by mail to 7,000 randomly selected subjects 20-44 yrs of age
, and nonresponders were contacted again by phone, Additional informat
ion was collected on a subsample of the respondents through a clinical
interview. A logistic regression analysis showed that, except for one
symptom (awakening for coughing), symptom prevalence significantly de
creased from the first to the subsequent contact, when controlling for
age, sex, centre and season of interview, The decrease in symptom pre
valence was largely independent of smoking habits and socioeconomic st
atus, and was seemingly caused by a symptom-related self-selection, Wh
en correcting results according to a linear regression model, observed
estimates appeared to be slightly overestimated, by 4-10%, A simulati
on with the Italian data showed that the bias increased steeply at non
response rate higher than 30%, a situation quite common in asthma Surv
eys. In conclusion, nonresponse bias affects the results of ECRHS in I
taly, slightly inflating prevalence estimates, To make reliable compar
isons on international data in the presence of different nonresponse r
ates, a correction of the observed prevalence seems necessary.