We consider Jaeckel's (1971, Ann. Math. Statist., 42, 1540-1552) propo
sal for choosing the trimming proportion of the trimmed mean in the mo
re general context of choosing a trimming proportion for a trimmed L-e
stimator of location. We obtain higher order expansions which enable u
s to evaluate the effect of the estimated trimming proportion on the a
daptive estimator. We find that L-estimators with smooth weight functi
ons are to be preferred to those with discontinuous weight functions (
such as the trimmed mean) because the effect of the estimated trimming
proportion on the estimator is of order n(-1) rather than n(-3/4). In
particular, we find that valid inferences can be based on a particula
r ''smooth'' trimmed mean with its asymptotic standard error and the S
tudent t distribution with degrees of freedom given by the Tukey and M
cLaughlin (1963, Sankhya Ser. A, 25, 331-352) proposal.