The analysis of remotely sensed imagery for various applications have
evolved over the past three decades from manual (visual) interpretatio
n to computer-based approaches, Sophisticated digital techniques have
been developed to tackle specific image processing tasks in the analys
is, and the need for efficient reference to collateral data like maps
have led to special handling systems called Geographic Information Sys
tems, However, the automation of the aspect of human expert's interact
ion is still in its adolescence, and only recently has there been some
interest in finding methods or models for representing the expert's k
nowledge and inference mechanism so as to build expert systems for rem
ote sensing image analysis. In this paper a framework to represent a b
road class of problems in the analysis of remote sensing imagery is pr
oposed, and an inference engine to tackle such problems is derived, A
simple model for spectral knowledge representation is used along with
a method for quantification of knowledge through an evidential approac
h, An automatic knowledge extraction technique is also proposed to gat
her knowledge from training samples. The techniques of knowledge extra
ction representation and inferencing have been used to do a land cover
analysis on two data sets, and the results are compared with contempo
rary digital techniques, It is found that the proposed approach has th
e advantages of avoiding commission errors, and can incorporate non-sp
ectral and collateral knowledge, while its accuracy using only spectra
l knowledge is comparable with standard digital methods,