A complete course on teaching logical testing at university Pam's 6 is
dedicated to postgraduate students and focuses on the test problem du
ring design process and after fabrication on an ASIC (Application Spec
ific Integrated Circuit). It takes place after an initiation course on
CMOS VLSI design where students are required to design and implement
an AMD2901 [1] compatible processor with a scan-path approach. The cir
cuit is design both with the ALLIANCE [3] tools (a complete set of CAD
tools for teaching VLSI design developped at laboratory CAO & VLSI/MA
SI) and tools provided by the CNFM (Comite National de Formation en Mi
croelectronique) and EUROCHIP. Practical works last three weeks with f
our hours per week with teachers. During the past three years, about t
hirty students per year have followed this courses.