We report a case of a virulent, atypical herpes simplex infection in t
he brainstem of a patient with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AI
DS) which was characterized by demyelination and oligodendroglial trop
ism. At autopsy the brainstem showed demyelination. Immunocytochemistr
y, in situ hybridization, and electron microscopy confirmed the presen
ce of herpes simplex virus (HSV). Viral cultures demonstrated HSV type
1. Neuroinvasiveness and neurovirulence were studied by intraperitone
al inoculation of susceptible mouse strains (A/J and Balb/cByJ) with d
ifferent viral titers. The LD(50) of the clinical isolate was 5 orders
of magnitude greater than the LD(50) of a laboratory HSV strain (HSV
type 1 KOS). The brains of the mice inoculated with the clinical isola
te showed brainstem and cerebellar demyelination.