The present experiments compared patterns of locomotor activity during
repeated acclimation sessions and determinations of locomotion and st
ereotypy elicited by administration of the direct dopamine receptor ag
onist apomorphine in five inbred strains of rats: the results suggest
that each strain can be differentiated phenotypically according to the
se behavioral responses. Brown Norway rats demonstrated the greatest l
ocomotion during acclimation sessions. Low doses of apomorphine (0.1 a
nd 0.32 mg/kg) produced a flat body posture in Lewis animals. A higher
dose of apomorphine (1.0 mg/kg) markedly increased locomotion in Fish
er rats. Buffalo animals showed licking during control sessions and th
e greatest increase in gnawing at higher doses of apomorphine. DA rats
were less responsive than the other strains of apomorphine. Between-s
trains autoradiographic determination of dopamine receptor densities r
evealed several differences in D1 receptors labeled by H-3-SCH 23390 a
nd D2/D3 receptors labeled by I-125-NCQ 298 in the caudate-putamen and
nucleus accumbens. However, the heterogeneity of dopamine receptor de
nsities was not sufficient to explain the strain-specific behavioral r
esponses. These experiments demonstrate variations in behavioral and n
eurochemical characteristics of inbred strains of rats which could be
used to model genetically determined differences in dopamine-mediated
behavioral responses.