Phylogenetic relationships for five taxa of Palearctic vipers (genus V
ipera) from the Caucasian region were revealed by cladistic analyses o
f separate and combined morphological and biochemical characters. The
different data sets yielded largely congruent cladograms. Vipera berus
from Sweden was included as an ingroup and V. aspis was used for outg
roup comparison. For V. kaznakovi and V. dinniki, three and four diffe
rent sub-populations, respectively, were treated as independent termin
al taxa in the analyses. The most parsimonious cladograms confirmed th
e systematic positions of these populations, discussed in a recent stu
dy, and support the hypothesis that the montane populations of the wes
tern main Caucasus comprise one polymorphic species: V. dinniki. Analy
ses of combined biochemical and morphological data generated two equal
ly parsimonious cladograms (for all ingroups compared), but yielded on
ly one fully resolved topology when ingroups were condensed to the spe
cies level: (berus ((renardi ('ursinii'-eriwanensis)))(dinniki-kaznako