Molecular dynamics are performed on systems of two-dimensional periodi
city composed of 64 ionic dioctadecyldimethylammonium chloride amphiph
iles arranged in a monolayer at 298 K with surface coverages ranging f
rom 57 Angstrom(2) per amphiphile to 150 Angstrom(2) per amphiphile. B
ond lengths are constrained whereas valence and torsional angles inter
actions are described by conventional expressions. Nonbonded interacti
ons are introduced through an anisotropic united atom method due to To
xvaerd. The amphiphiles adhere to the surface through electrostatic an
d nonbonded interactions between the amphiphiles and an underlying sub
strate. Results are presented for the density normal to the monolayer
plane, order parameters, and conformational transition rates. The stru
cture of the two-dimensional layer at the lowest headgroup area studie
d is quite disordered. Small islands of empty surface surrounded by am
phiphiles are formed. As the headgroup area increases, we observed fur
ther translational disordering and an increase in the number of amphip
hiles aligned with the surface. The g(+)g(+)tg(+)g(+) defect observed
in one of the chains is stable on a timescale of 250 ps. The equilibri
um structures of the two chains are quite different but the conformati
onal dynamics as observed by the transition rates are almost indisting