To clarify the significance of peptidergic nerves in Hirschsprung's di
sease (aganglionosis), hypoganglionosis, and neuronal intestinal dyspl
asia (NID), we investigated enteric nerve responses in colonic tissues
obtained from patients with these diseases. Colonic tissue specimens
were obtained from 12 patients with aganglionosis, 8 patients with hyp
oganglionosis, and 6 patients with NID. Colon specimens from 20 patien
ts without constipation were used as controls. A mechanograph was used
to evaluate in vitro colonic responses to electrical field stimulatio
n (EFS) of the adrenergic and cholinergic nerve before and after treat
ment with various autonomic nerve blockers and gastrointestinal hormon
es. The following results were obtained: (1) Non-adrenergic inhibitory
nerves were found to act on the normal human colon and to a lesser ex
tent in colons with hypoganglionosis or NID, but had no effect on the
enteric nerves in colons with aganglionosis. (2) Peptidergic neurotran
smitters such as VIP, substance P, and neurotensin apparently act in t
he normal human colon, and to a lesser extent in the colons with hypog
anglionosis or NID, but their effect was almost absent in aganglionosi
s. (3) VIP acts via neural mechanisms, while substance P and neurotens
in may act both via nerves and also directly on the bowel smooth muscl
e. The diminution of action of non-adrenergic inhibitory nerves and pe
ptidergic nerves may be largely related to the impaired motility obser
ved in hypoganglionosis, NID and aganglionosis.