The objective of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of transvag
inal ultrasonography in postmenopausal women with a clinical indicatio
n for a dilatation and curettage (D&C). Of the 167 postmenopausal wome
n included in the study, 88% were referred for a D&C because of vagina
l bleeding and 12% of the women had other clinical indications such as
myomas, gynecological pain or suspected gynecological tumors. Hormone
replacement therapy (HRT) was used by 37% of the women. The women wer
e examined with transvaginal ultrasonography before the D&C. The endom
etrial thickness and texture were used as indicators of endometrial ab
normalities. The ultrasonographical findings were related to the histo
logical diagnosis obtained from the D&C. Histologically, 31% of the wo
men had an atrophic endometrium and the corresponding ultrasonographic
ally mean endometrial thickness was 4.6 mm (range 0-14 mm). Endometria
l cancer was histologically found in 10% of the women and the endometr
ial thickness of the malignant endometrium, measured by ultrasonograph
y, was 13.9 mm (range 6-31 mm). All the malignancies were found in the
group of women with vaginal bleeding, but only one was in the group o
f women on HRT. Histologically, endometrial hyperplasia was found in 6
.5% of the women and endometrial polyps in 8.5% after the D&Cs. In the
se postmenopausal women it was demonstrated that if the endometrium wa
s < 6 mm thick, no endometrial cancer was found at histopathological i
nvestigation. By using a cut-off point of 6 mm of ultrasonographically
measured endometrial thickness for identification of endometrial path
ology in our study, at least 50% of the D&Cs could be spared.