The culture conditions of Afipia felis, A. broomeae, A. clevelandensis
and three unnamed Afipia genospecies were investigated on BCY agar su
pplemented with different substances known as growth factors of Legion
ella spp. and, furthermore, with sodium chloride and other salts. The
organisms were found to be susceptible to a certain degree to byproduc
ts of the autoclaving which are scavenged by activated charcoal. Growt
h was weakly enhanced by ferric pyrophosphate, cystein.HCl, and alpha-
ketoglutarate. These substances are no obligatory growth factors. The
optimal pH value was about 6.8. Afipia spp. showed a strong susceptibi
lity to NaCl and other salts. They possess phosphatase, phosphoamidase
, phosphodiesterase, a weak sulfatase, glycine aminopeptidase, and L-l
ysine aminopeptidase. The strains differed with regard to other protea
ses and aminopeptidases. The decimal reduction times of A. felis at 55
degrees C and 60 degrees C were 11 min, <1 min, respectively.