Since the 1930s and the discovery by von Euler of a vasoactive, lipid-
soluble substance that he erroneously assumed was generated by the pro
state gland and therefore should be called ''prostaglandin,'' the fami
ly of prostaglandins has grown to some 90 substances. These lipid medi
ators are derived from arachidonic acid in the ''arachidonic acid casc
ade.'' In 1976, while looking for the enzyme that generates the unstab
le prostanold thromboxane A(2) from arachidonic acid, Moncada and Vane
discovered prostaglandin I-2 and renamed it ''prostacyclin.'' Prostac
yclin is the main product of arachidonic acid in all vascular tissues
tested to date and strongly vasodilates all vascular beds studied. It
is also the most potent endogenous inhibitor of platelet aggregation y
et discovered, both inhibiting aggregation and dispersing existing agg
regates. It acts through activation of adenylate cyclase, leading to i
ncreased levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate. It also appears to
have a ''cytoprotective'' activity, as yet not completely understood.
Its effects are short-lasting, disappearing within 30 minutes of cessa
tion of infusion. A stable, freeze-dried preparation of prostacyclin (
epoprostenol) is available for administration to humans, and several a
nalogs with therapeutically desirable characteristics are currently be
ing clinically tested and should become commercially available soon. C
linical application of prostacyclin is bedeviled by 2 characteristics:
it is pharmacologically unstable, so care must be taken in its use, a
nd the correct dosage regimens have not yet been established.