Rk. Hubbard et Rr. Lowrance, RIPARIAN FOREST BUFFER SYSTEM RESEARCH AT THE COASTAL-PLAIN EXPERIMENT STATION, TIFTON, GA, Water, air and soil pollution, 77(3-4), 1994, pp. 409-432
Recent attention has focused on riparian forest buffer systems for fil
tering sediment, nutrients, and pesticides entering from upslope agric
ultural fields. Studies in a variety of physiographic areas have shown
that concentrations of sediment and agrichemicals are reduced after p
assage through a riparian forest. The mechanisms involved are both phy
sical and biological, including deposition, uptake by vegetation, and
loss by microbiological processes such as denitrification. Current res
earch by USDA-ARS and University of Georgia scientists at Tifton, GA i
s focusing on managing riparian forest buffer systems to alleviate agr
icultural impacts on the environment. The underlying concept for this
research is that agricultural impact on streams is best protected by a
riparian forest buffer system consisting of three zones. In consecuti
ve upslope order From the stream these zones are (1) a narrow band of
permanent trees (5-10 m wide) immediately adjacent to the stream chann
el which provides streambank stabilization, organic debris input to st
reams, and shading of streams, (2) a forest management zone where maxi
mum biomass production is stressed and trees can be harvested, and (3)
a grass buffer strip up to 10 m wide to provide control of coarse sed
iment and to spread overland flow. Several ongoing projects at Tifton,
GA are focusing on using riparian forest buffer systems as filters. A
forest management project is testing the effects of different managem
ent practices on surface and ground water quality. This project includ
es three different forest management practices: mature forest selectiv
ely thinned forest, and clearcut. In a different study a natural wetla
nd is being restored by planting trees. The effectiveness of this wetl
and on filtering nutrients from dairy wastes which are being applied u
pslope is being evaluated. At this same site, a pesticide study is bei
ng conducted on the side opposite to where dairy wastes are applied. A
n overland flow-riparian buffer system using swine lagoon waste is eva
luating the effectiveness of different vegetative treatments and lengt
hs of buffer zones on filtering of nutrients. In this study three vege
tative treatments are compared: (1) 10 m grass buffer and 20 m riparia
n forest (2) 20 m grass buffer and 10 m riparian forest, (3) 10 m gras
s buffer and 20 m of the recommended wetland species maidencane. Waste
is applied at the upper end of each plot at either a high or low rate
, and then allowed to now downslope. The three zone riparian forest bu
ffer system is being used for the Riparian Ecosystem Management Model
(REMM). This model, which is currently under development at Tifton, GA
, is a computer simulation model designed to reduce soil and water deg
radation by aiding farmers and land use managers in decision making re
garding how best to utilize their riparian buffer system. Both informa
tion currently being collected in field studies and development of the
REMM are innovative farm-level and forestry technologies to protect s
oil and water resources.