In the equation-error formulation of adaptive IIR filters, the estimat
ed parameters contain bias when there is noise in the desired response
. A method that can eliminate this bias is investigated. The idea is t
o maintain a quadratic constraint on the feedback coefficients so that
the noise contributes only a constant term to the mean-square error.
This term does not affect minimization and thus the bias is eliminated
. A quadratically constrained stochastic gradient search method is app
lied for optimization and convergence behavior, when the noise is whit
e, is analyzed. Adaptation of the feedback FIR filter in second-order
cascade form, useful for stability monitoring, is also considered. Whe
n the noise is nonwhite, the technique requires an adaptive whitening
filter. Simulation results are included to demonstrate the bias remova
l capability of the method, corroborate the theoretical developments,
and compare with existing techniques.