We have characterized 31 mutations in the gld-l (defective in germline
development) gene of Caenorhabditis elegans. In gld-1(null) hermaphro
dites, oogenesis is abolished and a germline tumor forms where oocyte
development would normally occur. By contrast, gld-1(null) males are u
naffected. The hermaphrodite germline tumor appears to derive from ger
m cells that enter the meiotic pathway normally but then exit pachyten
e and return to the mitotic cycle. Certain gld-1 partial loss-of-funct
ion mutations also abolish oogenesis, but germ cells arrest in pachyte
ne rather than returning to mitosis. Our results indicate that gld-1 i
s a tumor suppressor gene required for oocyte development. The tumorou
s phenotype suggests that gld-1(+) may function to negatively regulate
proliferation during meiotic prophase and/or act to direct progressio
n through meiotic prophase. We also show that gld-1(+) has an addition
al nonessential role in germline sex determination: promotion of herma
phrodite spermatogenesis. This function of gld-1 is inferred from a ha
plo-insufficient phenotype and from the properties of gain-of-function
gld-1 mutations that cause alterations in the sexual identity of germ