Fetal grafts containing the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
, the site of an endogenous circadian pacemaker, can reinstate behavio
ral rhythms in lesioned recipients but the precise routes of communica
tion between the graft and the host brain remain unknown. Grafts conta
ining the SCN may convey temporal information to the host brain via ne
ural efferents, diffusible factors, or a combination of both. We exami
ned graft-host connections in anterior hypothalamic homografts (hamste
r-to hamster) and heterografts (rat-to hamster) implanted in the third
ventricle by: (a) applying the carbocyanine dye, diI, directly onto h
omo- and heterografts in fixed tissue sections; and (b) using a donor-
specific neurofilament (NF) antibody to immunocytochemically visualize
heterograft efferents. DiI applied onto either homografts or heterogr
afts labeled relatively few graft efferents which could be followed on
ly short distances into the host brain. In contrast, NF-labeled hetero
graft efferents were both more numerous and extended for longer distan
ces into the host brain than anticipated on the basis of diI tract tra
cing. The results suggest that anterior hypothalamic grafts implanted
in the third ventricle provide substantial input to the adjacent host
hypothalamus although it is not known whether these projections arise
from SCN cells or from other extra-SCN hypothalamic tissue within thes
e grafts. Nor is it known whether these projections are functional. To
determine if neural efferents are required for the restoration of rhy
thmicity after grafting, we have encapsulated fetal anterior hypothala
mus in a permselective polymer which prevents neurite outgrowth but al
lows diffusible signals to reach the host brain. Polymer-encapsulated
grafts of fetal anterior hypothalamus from wild-type hamster fetuses h
ave been implanted into the third ventricle of heterozygote tau mutant
, SCN-lesioned hamsters. Because the free-running period of tau mutant
hamsters is significantly shorter than that of wild-type hamsters, re
stored rhythms when they occur can be unambiguously attributed to the
presence of donor tissue. Encapsulated grafts that survive contain neu
ropeptide cell markers characteristic of the intact SCN, but the survi
val rate of encapsulated neural tissue is low. Nevertheless, if we fin
d that even a few encapsulated grafts restore donor-specific rhythms,
this would suggest that diffusible signals emitted from SCN grafts may
be sufficient to support circadian function. It may be that the SCN i
n the intact animal communicates with the rest of the brain by redunda
nt signals, either efferent fibers or diffusible signals. alternativel
y, different circadian rhythms may be mediated by distinct output sign
als from the SCN.