A simple method for including the effects of geologically realistic fr
actures on the seismic propagation through fractured rocks can be obta
ined by writing the effective compliance tenser of the fractured rock
as the sum of the compliance tenser of the unfractured background rock
and the compliance tensors for each set of parallel fractures or alig
ned fractures. The compliance tenser of each fracture set is derivable
from a second rank fracture compliance tenser. For a rotationally sym
metric set of fractures, the fracture compliance tenser depends on onl
y two fracture compliances, one controlling fracture compliance normal
, the other, tangential, to the plane of the fractures. The stiffness
tenser, which is more useful in the consideration of elastic wave prop
agation through rocks, can then be obtained by inversion. The componen
ts of the excess fracture compliance tenser represent the maximum amou
nt of information that can be obtained from seismic data. If the backg
round rock is isotropic and the normal and shear compliance of each fr
acture are equal, although different from those of other fractures, th
e effective elastic behavior of the fractured rock is orthorhombic for
any orientation distribution of fractures. A comparison of the theory
with recent ultrasonic experiments on a simulated fractured medium sh
ows near equality of the normal and shear compliance for the case of a
ir-filled fractures.