Sexual reproduction and protoplast structure are used to check the cla
ssification of the naviculoid genus Placoneis Mereschkowsky (Bacillari
ophyta). The gametangia are closely associated within a robust mucilag
e capsule throughout auxosporulation, and pairing is +/-random with re
spect to asymmetries of the frustule and protoplast. Two gametes are p
roduced per gametangium, which are morphologically identical but diffe
rentiated into active and passive (physiological anisogamy). The super
numerary nuclei from meiosis II begin to degenerate soon after telopha
se II, but can still be detected in the initial cells. The gametes bec
ome rearranged within the gametangia after meiosis II and plasmogamy t
akes place via a single, simple aperture. The auxospores expand parall
el to the apical axes of the gametangia. The classification of Placone
is in the Cymbellales, as the sister group to the cymbelloid and gomph
onemoid diatoms, is supported by valve and protoplast structure, the m
ethod of chloroplast division, and by sexual reproduction and auxospor
e development. Placoneis seems to occupy an intermediate position in t
he Cymbellales between the cymbelloid-gomphonemoid cluster and more an
cient lineages that include Anomoeoneis Pfitzer, Dickieia Berkeley ex
Kutzing, Rhoicosphenia Grunow and Campylopyxis Medlin. No features can
be found that are common to Placoneis and Navicula Bory (from which P
laconeis was separated) except for the bilateral symmetry of the valve
and the central raphe system, which would be synapomorphies only at a
much higher taxonomic level.