1. This review focuses on the extracellular actions of ATP and adenosi
ne, and in particular their role in cardiovascular regulation. 2. ATP
serves as a co-transmitter within the sympathetic nervous system, and
is also released from endothelium and aggregating thrombocytes. ATP ac
ts on P2x purinoceptors on vascular smooth muscle cells to induce vaso
constriction. Stimulation of P2y purinoceptors on endothelial cells re
leases endothelium-derived relaxing factors and causes vasodilatation,
This dual action of ATP may have pathophysiological importance by ind
ucing vasospasm at sites of impaired endothelial function and thrombus
formation. 3. Adenosine is generated by enzymic degradation of ATP, I
ts formation is enhanced during ischaemia. Adenosine inhibits noradren
aline release from sympathetic nerve endings, causes vasodilatation vi
a endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent actions, has impor
tant anti-arrhythmic properties and prevents deleterious sequelae of i
schaemia, In humans, adenosine evokes a sympatho-excitatory reflex med
iated by chemically sensitive receptors and afferent nerves in the kid
ney, heart and forearm, This reflex may be active during exercise and
ischaemia and, because of its potential adverse consequences, it shoul
d be considered when developing new therapies to potentiate the anti-i
schaemic actions of endogenous adenosine in humans, Adenosine appears
to mediate ischaemia-induced pain; a reduced sensitivity to adenosine
may underlie silent ischaemia.4. New drugs that interact with adenosin
e formation or degradation or with adenosine receptors are under devel
opment, These have potential therapeutic application in the treatment
of ischaemia and other circulatory disorders.