The postreform period (post-1978) in China has been marked by very sha
rp increases in both income and consumption of peasant households. Suc
h sustained high growth over a period of more than a decade is impress
ive by any standard. The fast-growing rural industries acted as the en
gine of prosperity achieved by the peasant households of China during
this period. With very high rates of growth achieved by such industrie
s, the emergence and rapid growth of private enterprises, and institut
ional changes that took place in methods of recruitment and payment of
wages in collectively owned industries, rural industries as a whole b
ecame an important source of income for peasant households. In additio
n to the direct contribution, these industries played an important rol
e in fostering the growth of agriculture (e.g., by providing funds for
social investment in irrigation, and by facilitating farm mechanizati
on and the use of fertilizers), and thus made a valuable indirect cont
ribution to peasant income.