Three experiments investigated the hypothesis that self-reference at e
ncoding increases the probability of recollective experience in recogn
ition memory. In all three experiments separate groups of subjects stu
died words naming personality traits. One group judged the self-releva
nce of the traits, the other groups performed orientating tasks low in
self-reference. In a recognition test subjects first identified old i
tems and then indicated which of these were accompanied by recollectiv
e experience ('remember' responses) and which were recognized on some
other basis ('know' responses). No reliable differences in overall rec
ognition performance between seif-referent and semantic encoding tasks
were observed. However, subjects who encoded trait adjectives with re
ference to the self produced reliably more remember responses and few
know responses than subjects who had encoded the items in the low self
-referent tasks. Experiment 1 demonstrated a self-reference effect in
recognition accompanied by recollective experience after 1-hour retent
ion interval, while Experiment 2 found this effect to persist over a 2
4-hour retention interval. Experiment 3 demonstrated that this self-re
ference effect is obtained under incidental as well as under intention
al learning conditions. Taken together these findings demonstrate the
importance of self-reference as a factor in determining the likelihood
that recognition judgements will be accompanied by recollective exper