Health professionals who provide reproductive health care for clients
with chronic psychoses will face particular challenges. Ethical issues
must be addressed and staff should be specifically recruited and trai
ned. Preconception counselling should include the offer of information
on the genetics of schizophrenia and manic-depressive disorder and a
review of the client's mental state and any medication. Although paren
tal mental disorders may have adverse effects on children, there is li
ttle objective evidence on how parenting competencies can be assessed
or predicted. Contraceptive choices can be constrained by the relapsin
g nature of the chronic psychoses and may mean that the client is best
served by long acting, highly effective, reversible methods such as t
he IUD, injectables or implants. Sterilisation may offer a permanent s
olution. Clients may be at increased risk of sexually transmitted dise
ase and difficulties in their general and sexual relationships. They s
hould have access to education and counselling to help them enjoy heal
thy sexual lifestyles. Clients with chronic psychiatric disorder may f
ear being stigmatised and meeting negative sexual attitudes. Caring pr
ofessionals need to be proactive in offering help and in building up e
ffective cross-disciplinary links between hospitals, general practice
and community care.