The effects of experimental conditions-steroid concentration, temperat
ure, treatment duration, tadpole density, and delivery mode-on testost
erone (T) metabolic rates were examined in larval anurans. T uptake in
to tadpoles was measured by scintillation counting of [H-3]T and metab
olism of T was studied by thin layer chromatography in two anuran spec
ies, the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) and the western toad (Bu
fo boreas). T was extensively metabolized by both species, but the eff
ects of each experimental condition on T metabolism varied between spe
cies. In the study of delivery mode, tadpoles injected with T dissolve
d in saline metabolized T faster than animals in groups where the ster
oid was added directly to the water. Animals injected with T dissolved
in oil metabolized T the slowest, but T was short-lived in all cases.
The current study demonstrates that concentration, temperature, treat
ment duration, tadpole density, and delivery mode may all affect stero
id metabolic rates, but these effects vary between species in unpredic
table ways. Since steroid metabolism may either activate or deactivate
steroids, these factors are important in understanding the potency of
steroids in tadpoles. A review of the literature dealing with steroid
effects in anuran larvae illustrates these problems. (C) 1995 Wiley-L
iss, Inc.