Isotopic characterization of two kinds of unique micro inclusions, met
allic aggregate and apatite, in reactor core samples at the Oklo urani
um ore in Republic of Gabon was studied. In order to investigate the m
igration and retention mechanism of fission products, in-situ isotopic
analyses by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), and precise isoto
pic measurements by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TLMS) and in
ductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) were carried out.
The results of isotopic analyses led to the following obser vations: (
1) fissiogenic Ru, Pd and Te are enriched in the micrometallic inclusi
ons, and (2) micro apatites contain fissiogenic alkaline, alkaline ear
th, and rare earth elements (REE). Moreover, the geochemical behaviour
of long-lived radionuclides Tc-99 and Cs-137 could be estimated from
the precise isotopic determination of fissiogenic Ru and Ba, respectiv
ely. Fissiogenic REE have fractionated chemically during the migration
processes from the uraninite matrix into an apatite structure.