Gait analysis relies upon accurate measurement of initial and end foot
contact times. These times act as a reference point for correlating a
ll other gait data and as a means of distinguishing normal and patholo
gic gait. We have developed a simple, inexpensive footswitch system th
at provides accurate estimates of the start and end of stance phase fo
r sequential steps. The estimates of the beginning and end of stance p
hase do not require custom footwear, extensive calibration, or precise
placement of the sensor within the shoe. The system is based on a com
mercially available transducer and can be readily reproduced for use i
n a laboratory setting for less than $50. We describe this system, as
well as its validation. To assess the accuracy of this footswitch syst
em, we compared footswitch based estimates of initial and end foot con
tact times with those obtained using a force platform as 10 people too
k 30 steps (10 each at slow, normal and fast walking rates) across a f
orce platform. Both estimates coincided within +/- 10 ms (mean: 0 +/-
3 ms; N = 300) for the start of stance phase and within +/- 22 ms (mea
n: -1 +/- 8 ms; N = 300) for the end of stance phase. For stance durat
ion, the differences ranged from -24 to 28 ms (mean: 1 +/- 10 ms; N =
300). In combination, these measures can be used to estimate stance du
ration to within 3% of force plate determined values for steps with st
ance durations ranging from 446 to 1594 ms. Estimates of swing and str
ide duration also are within 5% of force plate determined values. This
system should therefore prove to be a useful tool for augmenting labo
ratory based investigations of gait.