Determination of a sowing depth of crop was in fact always only approx
imate of some optimum value of a sowing depth concerning the concrete
conditions, approximate level of a determination of this depth and its
practically uncontrolled variability remains one of the open problems
of the field crop culture. Some results from a corresponding field tr
ial with the calibrated maize seed were applied to study the effect of
deviation - change in sowing depth. This seed was sown in applying a
special simple technique precisely into three depths according to thre
e sowing dates and 1000-kernel weight to compare the effects of the ch
anges in sowing depth and date and the change of the growing year (thr
ee years). The effects of these sources of variability were pursued in
the variability of a stand sprouting course, a final state of this em
ergence and the yields. It is possible to create a general image of th
em by studying a survey in Tab. II. Influencing the stand sprouting co
urse and also occasionally the final stand sprouting course and also o
ccasionally the final stand sprouting, the depth changes presented suc
h an importance that it would be possible to compare them reasonably w
ith that it would be possible to compare them reasonably with the effe
ct of the sowing date and year changes. In case of yields, the effect
of depth changes was generally 2.5 times lower than that of sowing dat
e and almost 5 times lower than that of growing year change. 10 mm-cha
nge of sowing depth caused the variation change of yield amount on an
average almost 0.4 per ha. The mentioned variability was then modified
significantly not only by the corn hybrids of three different FAG-gro
ups but by a size and shape of their seeds as well. The variability of
the values of mentioned traits was evaluated by means of modified sta
bility index (Mazur, 1992). Its primary modification for an odd number
n of values X gives only the approximate results on the level of qual
ity of variability. For this reason, an exact form of the modification
concerning mainly the component A of the calculation of index was use
d here (Fig. 1, 2, Tab. I).