Goal: To find out about complaints procedures in hospitals in North-Ho
lland and to determine to what extent they function independently. Met
hod: All 21 hospitals were visited between the spring of 1992 and the
autumn of 1993. Before the visit took place the hospital management ha
d to complete and return a questionnaire relating to the complaints pr
ocedure in that hospital. Results: All except two hospitals had rules
for dealing with complaints. In 18 hospitals there was a complaints co
mmittee; in 12 of these the management was not - or was no longer - in
volved. The element of independence was expressed in a great variety o
f ways. In a quarter of the hospitals complaints were often not dealt
with within two months. Discussion: The situation with regard to compl
aints procedures in hospitals in North-Holland is definitely improving
. Some hospitals, however, are much more successful than others in mee
ting the criteria for an adequate complaints procedure. There is room
for improvement in two particular areas; complaints should be handled
more promptly and independently.