The low spin states of the nucleus Xe-127 have been investigated with
the (alpha, 2n) reaction by means of in-beam-gamma-spectroscopy, using
the OSIRIS-cube-spectrometer at the FN TANDEM accelerator facility of
the University of Cologne. In the negative parity system, four excite
d states for each of the spins 11/2(-)..15/2(-) and two 5/2(-)..9/2(-)
- states could be established at excitation energies up to approximat
e to 1MeV above the Yrast line. With this new data, we are able to com
pare the non-Yrast states and their decay properties to the correspond
ing states of Xe-125, which had been studied with similar methods in C
ologne. The almost one-to-one correspondence between the states of the
se neighboring neutron-odd nuclei is a clear indication that their exc
itations at low spin remain collective well above the Yrast line.