This paper summarizes the results of 2 series of clonal trials-F206 in
cluding 151 clones and F215 including 196 clones. The characters measu
red are: selection intensity for height growth in the nursery, height,
autumn coloration, flushing, leader breaks, April-frost damage, and m
ortality, all characters of expected importance for stand establishmen
t. Genotype-environment interaction and correlation between characters
are studied as well. Compared to the standard, a direct import from Q
ueen Charlotte Islands, the clones, selected in a danish second genera
tion material, have a superiority in height growth of 23% to 31%, fewe
r leader damage, 16% to 17%, and less damage due to April-frost, score
1.1 to 2.5, whereas there is hardly no differences in flushing time a
nd only minor differences in mortality, 1% to 5% less dead trees. Ther
e is considerable variance among clones for April-frost damage, but th
e results are only based on one year. If the frost hits later in the s
pring the differences between the clones will probably be less because
they all are closer to the growing season and all will have an active
cambium. Severe damage due to April-frost is a rather seldom event in
Denmark. and one may question the effort to avoid damage by selecting
less sensitive clones, unless it is an indirect gain by selecting for
late flushing clones to late spring frost exposed sites, where even s
mall differences in time of flashing will make a difference.There is o
nly a very limited possibility to select for late flushing in spite of
high heritability estimates. Autumn coloration shows no reasonable co
rrelations to held damage and may not be an appropriate measure of aut
umn hardening. Selection based on 3 year old cuttings yield about 63%
to 77% of the results obtained by direct selection 5 years later in th
e field. Concerning the ageing-problem of the hedges for cutting produ
ction 3 year nursery results seem to be a reasonable basis to start co
mmercial production of selected clones. Early selection of ortets amon
g 3 or 4 year old seedlings for height growth seems not to be an appro
priate way to increase height growth within the danish provenance. Gen
eral problems with ageing of propagation material restricts the practi
cal use of the clonal material. Clonal mean values of ecovalence as a
stability measure is estimated for the characters showing genotype-env
ironment interaction. Only a rather Limited number, around 15%, of the
clones acounts for more than 50% of the genotype-environment interact
ion sums of square.