The dynamics of flexible space manipulators carrying out relatively fa
st maneuvers is considered. In the past, computer simulations of the d
ynamics of flexible space manipulators executing large movements somet
imes lacked accuracy, especially during fast maneuvers. This deficienc
y can be attributed to the neglect of second order terms in the deform
ation field of the flexible links in the manipulator multi-body system
. Several modelling techniques can be used to improve flexible space m
anipulators dynamics algorithms. These are non-linear deformation fiel
d modelling, perturbed dynamics modelling, fictitious joints modelling
and bracket joints modelling. These four modelling techniques will be
explained in an application to a single-link manipulator, thereby fac
ilitating understanding. Analytical and numerical results are presente
d, and an assessment of each of the four modelling techniques is given