Acquired aphasia with epilepsy was first described by Landau and Kleff
ner in 1957. In 70% the aphasia is associated with various epiteptic s
eizures but tonic seizures do not occur. Typical EEG-findings are repe
titive spikes and spikes and waves of great amplitude located in tempo
ral regions. The epilepsy always regresses with antiepileptic treatmen
t but the aphasia improves only transiently. In recent years some inve
stigators have tried corticosteroid therapy. For an effective therapy
corticosteroid should be given in high doses as soon as the diagnosis
is established and should be continued in a maintenance dose for sever
al months or years. We describe a six year old girl with Landau-Kleffn
er syndrome who was treated with corticosteroid and showed a remarkabl
e improvement.