Macroinvertebrates were collected from a small midwestern stream over
a 3-year period as part of a non-point source pollution study. Tempora
l and spatial variability in standard biotic index values (BIs) were c
omputed and compared with variability expressed by a series of additio
nal community measurements, including the mean tolerance value of all
taxa present in a sample, irrespective of the numerical abundance of i
ndividual taxa. The mean tolerance value exhibited lower spatial and t
emporal variability than the standard BI; therefore, mean tolerance va
lues may be useful in estimating a stream's long-term ambient water qu
ality and its recovery potential. Computations of additional BI metric
s are easily accomplished with no additional lab work required, and co
mparisons of mean tolerance values with standard BIs should aid invest
igators in interpreting changes in water quality.