Functional voiding disorders and urinary tract infections are common i
n childhood, but are usually not accompanied by upper urinary tract de
terioration. Nevertheless a small group of children remain at risk of
developing chronic renal insufficiency (CRI). Clinically these childre
n present day and night wetting. The most important parameter, however
, is urinary retention which is reflected by an abnormal voiding patte
rn in the uroflow curve. After ruling out patients with neurogenic or
anatomical disorders, nine girls with psychogenic urine retention were
observed for 5 years. Terminal renal insufficiency was seen in one, C
RI in five patients and in three patients the kidney function could be
maintained, but they all had severe scarring of at least one kidney.
Furthermore, all revealed a dilation of the bladder and the upper urin
ary tract. Vesicoureteral reflux occurred in six and obstruction of th
e ureterovesical junction in three patients. Two girls underwent repea
ted reflux surgery resulting in a rapid deterioration of renal functio
n. Three patients developed hypertension and one had a hypertensive cr
isis with microangiopathic anaemia and acute renal failure. Psychogeni
c disorders and problematic family settings were observed in all cases
. Bladder training, transitory suprapubic catheters, intermittent cath
eterisation, medication and psychotherapy can avoid severe kidney dama
ge and achieve a stabilisation of renal function. It is important to b
ear this syndrome in mind when evaluating girls with asymptomatic bact
eriuria and urinary retention.