We conducted a preliminary survey on 3064 patients who underwent upper
gastrointestinal endoscopy at the Al-Thawra Hospital in Sana'a, Repub
lic of Yemen, between January and December 1991. The age/sex distribut
ion, demographic features and social habits with respect to cigarette
and water-pipe smoking and Qat chewing were compared for patients with
oesophageal and gastric cancers (n = 183). A preponderance of women w
ith carcinoma of the mid-oesophagus was noted, previously only recorde
d in areas of high prevalence. Unlike Western populations, smoking and
alcohol consumption were not significant risk factors. A high frequen
cy of Qat chewing and water-pipe smoking was found for both men and wo
men and for a group with tumours of the gastro-oesophageal junction or
cardia (chi(2) = 2.646, P>0.05). Numbers were insufficient to identif
y independent effects of each factor individually. Dietary habits alon
e were insufficient to account for the excess of affected females. A c
ase-control study is now underway to investigate further the role of d
ietary factors, social habits, demographic features and Helicobacter p
ylori infection on the development of upper gastrointestinal cancer in
the Yemen.