Consider a general Growth Curve Model as follows Y = X1BX'(2) + UE, wh
ere X(1),X(2), U(not equal 0) are known n x k, p x l, n x s matrices r
espectively, B is an unknown k x l matrix of regression coefficients,
Y = (y((1)),....,y((n)))' and E = (epsilon((1)),....,epsilon((s)))' ar
e n x p matrix of observations and s x p matrix of random errors respe
ctively, such that epsilon((1)),....,epsilon((s)) are independent rand
om vectors with E epsilon((i)) = 0, E epsilon((i))epsilon((i)) = Sigma
,E(epsilon((i))epsilon((i))x epsilon((i))epsilon((i))) = Psi (it's exi
stent and finite) i = 1,...,s, where Sigma and Psi are matrices of unk
nown parameters. In the section 2 of this paper, for any given p x p m
atrix C = C' not equal 0, we give the MINQE(U,I) of an estimable param
eter function tr (C Sigma). Section 3 gives the n.s. conditions for tr
(C Sigma)'s MINQE(U,I) to be a UMVIQUE. Section 4 gives the n.s, condi
tions for tr(C Sigma)'s UMVIQUE to exist, and shows the MINQE(U,I) of
tr (C Sigma) is just the UMVIQUE of tr (C Sigma) provided a UMVIQUE ex