The purpose of this study was to analyze the dispersal dynamics of the
ovoviviparous bivalve Gemma gemma (hereafter referred to as Gemma) in
an environment disturbed by the pit-digging activities of horseshoe c
rabs, Limulus polyphemus. Gemma broods its young and has no planktonic
larval stage, so all dispersal is the result of juvenile and adult mo
vement. Animal movement was measured using natural crab pits, hand-dug
simulated crab pits, and cylindrical bottom traps in the intertidal z
one at Tom's Cove, Virginia, USA. This study demonstrated that horsesh
oe crabs create localized patches with reduced densities of Gemma, tha
t all sizes and ages of Gemma quickly disperse into these low density
patches, and that the mechanism of dispersal is passive bedload and su
spended load transport. Freshly excavated natural pits had significant
ly lower Gemma densities than did undisturbed background sediment, but
there were no significant differences in total density of other speci
es, number of species, and species diversity (H'). Equitability (J') w
as greater in pits than in controls because of the reduced abundance o
f Gemma, the numerically dominant species. Newly dug simulated crab pi
ts also had significantly lower Gemma densities than controls and retu
rned to control levels by the next day. Density recovery trajectories
for individually marked pits showed consistent responses in summer and
fall, but not in winter when low Gemma abundance resulted in greater
variability among pits. Significant positive correlations between the
volume of sediment and the number of Gemma collected per bottom trap s
upport the hypothesis that Gemma dispersal is a passive transport phen
omenon. Assuming no active, density-dependent movement, the product of
the Gemma density frequency distribution in undisturbed background se
diment and the frequency distribution of sediment volume collected per
trap created a predicted Gemma frequency distribution in traps that m
atched the actual distribution. Absolute dispersal rates and relative
dispersal rates (absolute dispersal rate divided by background density
in undisturbed sediment) into pits and traps were greater in summer t
han winter. Dispersal rate results suggest that increased horseshoe cr
ab disturbance in summer may cause an increase in Gemma transport. Bec
ause Gemma individuals are dispersed by hydrodynamic action, it was ex
pected that small, young individuals would be most easily transported
in the bedload. There was, however, little evidence that movement into
pits and traps was size- or age-selective. Most recent benthic disper
sal research has focused on the large-scale movement and settlement pa
tterns of invertebrate larvae. The results from this study illustrate
that dispersal of bottom-dwelling juveniles and adults plays an import
ant role in regulating the local distribution and abundance of Gemma.
Previous workers have shown that young Gemma live in dense aggregation
s and that growth and fecundity are reduced at such high densities, le
ading to population crashes. This study demonstrated a mechanism by wh
ich Gemma disperses into low-density patches where intraspecific compe
tition may be mitigated, possibly resulting in enhanced individual rep
roductive success and population fitness.