Unification of all the physical forces, the subject of the Einstein Ce
ntennial Symposium in Jerusalem (1979), is the most important, unresol
ved problem in physics. It is intolerable that the unifying convergenc
e of all running couplings towards the Planck limit should be based so
lely on empirical data and the standard model of electroweak interacti
ons. In 1915 Sommerfield and Wilson found that an electron, moving rel
ativistically in an atomic Keplerian orbit, causes the perihelion of t
he ellipse to precess at a rate determined by a nondimensional constan
t alpha = e2/HBARc, the ratio of the velocity in the first Bohr orbit
to that of light. Innumerable, unsuccessful attempts have since been m
ade to derive this Sommerfeld fine-structure constant, alpha, from fir
st principles. Most notable is the 1931 paper by Dirac, in which he fo
und, instead, the charge quantization relation between electric and ma
gnetic monopoles, virtually obtained earlier by J.J. Thomson, Poincare
, and Planck. In developing an idea by J.J. Thomson (1895), apparently
previously overlooked, we have found it possible to derive, in a virt
ual energy coupling model, all the particle coupling constants, using
nothing but nineteenth-century electromagnetostatics, after the Kelvin
theories of images and inversion. The background, theory, computer pr
ograms, and principal results are given, and various agreements with t
he sparse data of running couplings demonstrated.