The Lotka-Volterra model of predator-prey interaction is based on the
assumption of mass action, a concept borrowed from the traditional the
ory of chemical kinetics in which reactants are assumed to be homogene
ously mixed. In order to explore the effect of spatial heterogeneity o
n predator-prey dynamics, we constructed a lattice-based reaction-diff
usion model corresponding to the Lotka-Volterra equations. Spatial het
erogeneity was imposed on the system using percolation maps, gradient
percolation maps, and fractional Brownian surfaces. In all simulations
where diffusion distances were short, anomalously low reaction orders
and aggregated spatial patterns were observed, including traveling wa
ve patterns. In general, the estimated reaction order decreased with i
ncreasing degrees of spatial heterogeneity. For simulations using perc
olation maps with p-values varying between 1.0 (all cells available) t
o 0.5 (50% available), order estimates varied from 1.27 to 0.47. Gradi
ent percolation maps and fractional Brownian surfaces also resulted in
anomalously low reaction orders. Increasing diffusion distances resul
ted in reaction order estimates approaching the expected value of 2. A
nalysis of the qualitative dynamics of the model showed little differe
nce between simulations where individuals diffused locally and those w
here individuals moved to random locations, suggesting that global den
sity dependence is an important determinant of the overall model dynam
ics. However, localized interactions did introduce time dependence in
the system attractor owing to emergent spatial patterns. We conclude t
hat individual-based spatially explicit models are important tools for
modeling population dynamics as they allow one to incorporate fine-sc
ale ecological data about localized interactions and then to observe e
mergent patterns through simulation. When heterogeneous patterns arise
, it can lead to anomalies with respect to the predictions of traditio
nal mathematical approaches using global state variables.