Data on pacemaker implantation were obtained from the Medical Device I
mplant Supplement to the 1988 National Health Interview Survey, a nati
onally representative, population-based survey of 47,485 households (1
22,310 persons). The survey yielded an estimate of 456,482 noninstitut
ionalized adults with pacemakers (prevalence, 2.6 per 1,000). Prevalen
ce rose significantly with age, from 0.4 per 1,000 among persons ages
18-64 to 26 per 1,000 among those ages 75 or older. Age-adjusted preva
lence in males was 1.5 times that in females, and in whites 1.6 times
that in nonwhites, although these differences were of borderline stati
stical significance. Prevalence did not vary significantly by region o
f residence, educational level, or income, but was significantly incre
ased (more than threefold) in those reporting any activity limitation
compared with those with no limitation. Fifteen percent of pacemakers
in use were replacements; about one-fifth of these had been replaced m
ore than twice. Sixty percent of previous pacemakers had been in place
for at least 5 years. These data provide the first nationwide, popula
tion-based estimates of the epidemiology of pacemaker implantation, fo
cusing particularly on the demographics of U.S. pacemaker recipients.