Density perturbations are considered during the radiation-dominated an
d the dust-dominated periods of the expanding universe. The perturbati
ons are taken to have spherical symmetry and the investigation is carr
ied out in the de Donder gauge. In order to guarantee the energy momen
tum conservation of the perturbation in the de Donder gauge a compatib
ility condition is obtained. Equations for the propagation of a spheri
cally symmetric perturbation in linear approximation on a FRW cosmolog
ical background are presented. It turns out that the evolution tendenc
y of the formation is mainly predicted by the state of the cosmic back
ground. A radiation-dominated universe does not stimulate growth proce
sses; the perturbation will be in a frozen state or it will diffuse. I
t is found that the dust-dominated universe stimulates the perturbatio
n mass to grow. The rate of this cosmic affected growing process is pr
oportional to R(-1) (R being the scale factor of the universe), so tha
t it seems that almost all galaxies were formed at the beginning of th
e present dust-dominated era.