Grape-II (Graphical Rapid Prototyping Environment) is an advanced syst
em-level development environment for specifying, compiling, debugging,
simulating, and emulating digital-signal-processing applications. Its
structured prototyping methodology reduces programming effort, and it
s use of general-purpose reusable hardware minimizes development cost.
The general-purpose hardware consists of commercial DSP processors, b
ond-out versions of core processors, and FPGAs linked to form a powerf
ul, heterogeneous multiprocessor, such as the Paradigm RP developed wi
thin the Retides (Real-Time DSP Emulation System) Esprit project and m
arketed by InCA/Zycad. Grape-II automates the prototyping methodology
for these systems by offering tools for resource estimation, partition
ing, assignment, routing, scheduling, code generation, and parameter m
odification. This prototyping approach has been successfully used for
an audio processor for the consumer market, for a sender, receiver and
channel simulator for digital audio broadcasting, and for a real-time
video encoder for mobile applications. The video-encoder case study,
described in the article, resulted in a full-speed operational prototy
pe. This and other successes demonstrate the feasibility of the author
s' strategy for prototyping real-time color video compression on a com
mercial DSP multiprocessor.