The cysteine-rich envelope proteins of the elementary body form of chl
amydiae are thought to be located in the outer membrane on the basis o
f their insolubility in the weak anionic detergent N-lauryl sarcosinat
e (Sarkosyl). We found, however, that the insolubility of the small (E
nvA) and the large (EnvB) cysteine-rich proteins of Chlamydia psittaci
6BC in Sarkosyl is dependent on the maintenance of a supramolecular d
isulfide-cross-linked complex and is unlikely to be a valid indicator
of outer membrane location. Consequently, we used other methods to cha
racterize the architecture of the cell envelope of C. psittaci 6BC. We
found that disulfide-reduced EnvA, previously sho,m to be a lipoprote
in, segregated into the detergent phase during Triton X-114 partitioni
ng experiments and was recovered from the membrane fraction of element
ary bodies lysed by nondetergent means. In contrast, disulfide-reduced
EnvB segregated to the aqueous phase in partitioning experiments and
was found in the soluble fraction of elementary bodies lysed in the ab
sence of detergents. The hydrophobic affinity probe 3-(trifluoromethyl
)-3-(m-[I-125] iodophenyl)-diazirine labeled the major outer membrane
protein and EnvA but did not label EnvB. Treatment of intact elementar
y bodies of C. psittaci with trypsin had no effect on the cysteine-ric
h proteins; although the major outer membrane protein was partially de
graded. On the basis of these and other observations, we propose that
EnvA is anchored to the outer membrane by its lipid moiety, with a hyd
rophilic peptide portion extending into the periplasm, and that EnvB i
s located exclusively within the periplasm. We further propose that di
sulfide cross-linked polymers of EnvB are the functional equivalent of
peptidoglycan, forming a disulfide cross-linked network with the peri
plasmic domains of EnvA and other membrane proteins, which accounts fo
r the osmotic stability of elementary bodies.