Gastrointestinal bleeding (GB) as a consequence of erosion or rare per
foration of ulcers caused by stress has been analyzed in prospective s
tudy in 129 stroke patients. The authors studied the specificities of
stress provoked gastric erosions and ulcers in 53 patients with ischem
ic and 76 with hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accident GB appeared freque
ntly in patients with severe stroke either ischemic or hemorrhagic nat
ure. GB developed more frequently in the first hours of the stroke dev
elopment in patients with severe intracerebral hemorrhage (15%), than
in patients with ischemic vascular lesions (4%). In both groups of str
oke patients GB appeared more often between the third and the fifth da
y (50%), what is well known as a period of brain oedema development. I
n relation to experimental findings authors concluded that GB is proba
bly result of vagal overactivity with ulcers and erosions beenig the r
esults of lesion or irritation of diencephalo-hypothalamic structures.
In 43% of patients with short duration of GB, mainly during one day,
clinical outcome was good. Besides, in 15% patients without expansive
vascular lesions, in explanation of the stress ulcers development, med
icament therapy (salycilates) and manipulation with probe must be take
n in consideration. The authors pointed out that therapy in stroke pat
ients stress ulcers is mainly conservative, because other active proce
dures show high risk, and could be used only for specific indications.