The purpose of this study was to investigate whether subtypes of devel
opmental motor deficits could be identified: specifically, one with im
pairments in motor planning that would be characterized by deficits in
gestural performance and motor sequencing and a second with impairmen
ts in the execution of motor skills that would be characterized by def
icits in balance and coordination. Subjects included 102 children betw
een the ages of 6 years and 10 years, 11 months, 51 who had been ident
ified as displaying deficits in motor skills and 51 normal controls. H
ierarchical-agglomerative and iterative partitioning cluster analyses
using measures of balance, bilateral coordination, upper limb coordina
tion, transitive gestures, and motor sequencing revealed four subtypes
. One group displayed deficits in motor sequencing, whereas another de
monstrated deficits in balance, coordination, and gestural performance
. In addition, a third group of children showed severe deficits in all
motor skill areas, and a final group had no motor deficits compared w
ith the other groups. Examination of performance on measures of academ
ic, language, visual-perceptual, visual-motor skills revealed that the
se four groups displayed different patterns of nonmotor performance. T
hese findings suggest that different subtypes of developmental motor d
eficits can be identified among children who have been labeled ''clums