The following file distribution problem is considered: Given a network
of processors represented by an undirected graph G=(V, E) and a file
size k, an arbitrary file w of k bits is to be distributed among all n
odes of G. To this end, each node is assigned a memory device such tha
t by accessing the memory of its own and of its adjacent nodes, the no
de can reconstruct the contents of w. The objective is to minimize the
total size of memory in the network. This paper presents a file distr
ibution scheme which realizes this objective for k much greater than l
og Delta(G), where Delta(G) stands for the maximum degree in G: For th
is range of k, the total memory size required by the suggested scheme
approaches an integer programming lower bound on that size. The scheme
is also constructive in the sense that given G and k, the memory size
at each node in G, as well as the mapping of any file tv into the nod
e memory devices, can be computed in time complexity which is polynomi
al in k and \V\. Furthermore, each node can reconstruct the contents o
f such a file w in O(k(2)) bit operations. Finally it is shown that th
e requirement of k being much larger than log Delta(G) is necessary in
order to have total memory size close to the integer programming lowe
r bound.