Background, In patients with locally recurrent rectal cancer, long-ter
m disease control and survival is uncommon with single-modality therap
y. This report evaluates results achieved at the Mayo Clinic (Rocheste
r, MN) with single- or combined-modality treatment, including intraope
rative irradiation. Methods. From 1981 to 1988, 106 patients underwent
palliative surgical resections at the Mayo Clinic for locally recurre
nt rectal cancer. None had evidence of extra-pelvic disease, and 42 re
ceived intraoperative electron beam irradiation (IORT) as a component
of treatment. Gross residual disease remained after maximal surgical r
esection in 34 of the 42 patients and 61 of the patients who did not r
eceive IORT, The IORT dose was 15-20 Gy in 39 patients and 10, 25, and
30 Gy in the other 3. External beam irradiation (EBRT) was administer
ed to 41 of the 42 patients (doses greater than or equal to 45 Gy to 3
8 patients). Results. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates at 3 and 5 years
were analyzed for the 106 patients. Palliative surgical resection alo
ne (12 patients) resulted in a 3-year survival of 8% and a 5-year surv
ival of 0%. Statistically significant factors relative to survival bas
ed on the univariate analysis of all patients included amount of resid
ual tumor (microscopic vs. gross, P = 0.032) treatment method (P = 0.0
05), IORT versus no IORT (P = 0.0006), type of symptoms (P = 0.0075),
type of fixation (P < 0.0001), and preoperative Eastern Cooperative On
cology Group status (P = 0.03). For patients who received IORT, 3-year
survival with gross residual tumor or presentation with pain was 44%
and 43%, respectively. Factors not associated with survival (univariat
e) included extended versus conventional surgical resection, grade, ag
e, and sex. The 3-year cumulative probability of distant metastasis wa
s 60% in the patients who received IORT and 54% in those who did not.
The 3-year local relapse rates were 40% versus 93% in patients who rec
eived IORT versus those who did not. Conclusions. Although the additio
n of IORT to external irradiation and maximal surgical resection appea
rs to improve local tumor control and survival in patients who undergo
palliative surgical resection for locally recurrent rectal cancer, fu
rther gains in treatment are necessary. Considering the high rates of
distant metastasis, more routine systemic therapy with 5-fluorouracil
(5-FU) leucovorin, 5-FU levamisole, or all three needs to be incorpora
ted into aggressive treatment approaches. In patients with gross resid
ual tumor after maximum surgical resection, local tumor control is ina
dequate despite treatment combinations including IORT, The evaluation
of radiation sensitizers or biologic modifiers during external irradia
tion and IORT is indicated.