We have used scanning tunneling microscopy to study the structural def
ects occurring on Si(111)1 x 1-H surfaces prepared by in situ hydrogen
exposure of Si(111)7 x 7 surfaces at elevated temperatures. These def
ects can be divided into four categories: point-like defects, holes in
the first bulk bilayer, islands, and stacking-faulted regions. The tw
o most frequently occurring point-like defects are identified as adato
m trihydrides and top-layer atoms with a missing hydrogen atom. The is
lands observed on the 1 x 1-H surfaces are single-layer linear islands
and bilayer-high linear and triangular islands. We have identified th
ree distinct types of island edges and proposed structural models for
each type. These models, which involve different arrangements of tilte
d monohydride edge species, are also applicable for the step edges on
the created surfaces. The stacking-faulted regions, triangular in shap
e, are found to have a double periodicity along the borders which is e
xplained in terms of a dimerization of the surrounding second-layer at